But Is This Plagiarism?

Plagiarism. We all know what it is. You can’t just steal people’s work and pass it off as your own. Your work must be unique and different. But how different is different enough?

For example, if you were to run a text through a series of say 12 to 30 consecutive online foreign language translates before returning to English, and touch up with extremely mild editing, would this be plagiarism??

Beginning of Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address

Eight years ago, our ancestors came from this new new state, born in Liberty, and decided to do everything in common.

We are now in a big conflict, whether the country, or any country that is pregnant and skeptical, can slow down. We met in the great battlefield of the war.

We have come to spend a portion of that garden at the last resting place for those who gave their lives to the country’s livelihoods. It is fair and right that we do

The most famous soliloquy in Shakespeare’s Hamlet

“Whether it is good or not, it’s not a question:
Remember they are the nobles
Looking for riches and shame arrows
Or to get a gun against the storm
They are opposed, and it’s a dream;

J.R. Tolkien’s All that is gold does not glitter

Everything is not gold,
And when the fugitive ends, they are lost;
The old man said it was something,
Crust is not related.
If the fire burns to Budna,
The light of light and development;
on the edge of the scattered edge
Then another thing is King

Opening paragraph from To Kill a Mocking Bird

One day for him, “I’d rather armor your backyard when you shot YOU, but after the birds I’ll be going to Joan. You all have blue monsters with Tyrol when you’re hit, But remember it’s a Mockingbird sin.” I only heard the only time that Atticus had something to do with sin, and Miss Maudie asked Nyon about that. “YOUR Dad,” he said. “Mockingbird is not a volatile thing to do with Bakara. Do NOT enjoy music. They did not have January people who have no nest in corn in the gardens of births, not the thing they did. But they sang with hearts for us. And that’s why there’s a Mockingbird sin.


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